let us remind ourselves of what they used to look like at the height of their career:

ah yes, tight bods, quality weaves, minimal plastic surgery, hip clothing (well, for the 90s anyway)...they were UNTOUCHABLE.
here is what they look like now:

posh still looks like she's made of plastic (didn't she get sir mix a lot's memo that silicon parts are made for toys?)...scary is a bit worse for the wear after popping out all the little ones (but now that she has proven that eddie murphy is her baby's daddy maybe she can get some $ from him for a quality weave)...sporty finally looks polished but in a mannish sort of way...ginger is sporting some great hair but whats with the dress that looks like she pulled it off the discount rack at dress barn??? as for baby spice - she looks pretty damn good, but you gotta wonder what she's hiding behind that flag...
I like to think that Baby Spice isn't hiding anything...
I think you forgot to mention Sporty.
She's lamer than ever!
But this is EXCITING!!!
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