Wednesday, October 31, 2007


so has been having people submit pictures of themselves in their halloween costumes dressed as celebrities.

i believe this group of girls from palm beach, california take the cake:

10 friends dressed up as brit brit from every phase she's been through thus far...i can't wait until 'food stamps' and 'wic' brit brit join the ranks...

runners up:

d- in a box

dog the bounty hunter

prince (he's just the right height too!)

the olsens (this one is kinda creepy cause they TOTALLY look like them)

angie with her gaggle


Sonja Foust said...

Ha! Love it.

Justin said...

Dick in Box is hilarious. I wish I thought of that.

Justin said...

And I'll take this public forum to appologize for not having a party this year. We'll have two next year to make up for it.