so on to this weeks douche bag of the week...or in this case, douche bags of the week.
anyone who knows me knows that i love love love the boston red sox. i have been watching all the playoff games i can including the most recent two from the world series. the red sox have proved that they can win the blowouts (13-1 - highest scoring game in world series history) and the tight ones (2-1 last night).
so who are my douche bags might you ask???
the fox broadcasters - joe buck and, of course, tim mccarver.

why in the hell are these two idiots allowed on tv??? i mean, i know fox sucks for the most part (save for family guy), but they have struck a new low in allowing these morons to do ANYTHING. aren't broadcasters supposed to know the game...especially if one of them is a former player himself (cough cough tim cough cough)???
and aren't they supposed to remain neutral??? it was bad enough in 2004 when you could just tell through their announcing that they had major hard-ons for the yankees...'just wait for the red sox to crumble' was one of my favs...
i mean, if these guys would come out in full colorodao rockies gear, get on their knees, and just be done with it at least i could respect them a little...
well, maybe not...i mean they are douche bags....
This is one thing that Yankees fans and Red Sox fans can agree on...
They SUCK!
Hope you're doing better.
This will about sum my feelings:
What do you do if you're stuck in a cave with a hungry lion, a psychotic killer, and Tim McCarver, and your gun only has two bullets left?
Shoot McCarver. Twice.
Another story about Tim McCarver...
When I was a kid, McCarver was an announcer for the Mets local broadcast. During one game, he made a stupid comment (I don't remember what), and I turned to my Dad and said, "Dad, does he even know anything about baseball?"
Note to Fox, if you can't fool an 8 year old, the rest of the country ain't buying it either.
And as for Fox sucking, House is my favorite show.
I remember Tim McCarver as Mets announcer too... my mom used to throw things at the TV in hopes that it would somehow hit him in Queens.
true story.
Since this is still the most recent post, and I still McCarver, allow me to continue with my favorite "Tim McCarver as a player" story.
It was Game 3 of the 1968 World Series, and Bob Gibson was pitching for the Cardnials. McCarver was his catcher. Gibson walked the first guy in the bottom of the ninth and was pissed. McCarver went out to talk to Gibson. He got about 20 feet away, and Gibson yelled at him, "You don't know anything about pitching. Get back behind the plate."
I feel you Bob, I feel you.
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