Wednesday, June 13, 2007

she's just...figuring things out...

so mrs. lynne spears (the co-recipient of the mothers-without-morals award - she shares that title with one dina lohan) has come out in brit brit's defense yet again this time stating that her daughter is just figuring things out right now,

"it's sad that the whole world had to watch her make mistakes that all of us have made at one time or another," spears is quoted as telling us weekly magazine in its latest issue.

right - cause whenever i'm upset i end up looking like i was on the wrong end of vicious fight with a flowbee...


Julie said...


I just snorted while reading this!!!


Justin said...

I've made all sorts of mistakes. But I've never had my crotch on the web, I've never married a back-up dancer, never gotten stoned and made a video, never talked to Matt Lauer.

I've also never had a bank account with as many numbers as hers has, so I guess I'd like to make some of those mistakes...

melanie said...

justin - i love you to death, but i don't need to see your crotch. please place that the 'things melanie doesn't need to see before she dies' category. i leave the rest of the mistake list up to your discretion...