Friday, April 4, 2008

d.b. of the week

this week's d.b. of the week is...(drum roll)...

raffaello follieri - anne hathaway's italian boy toy of four years:

the italian property developer was arrested yesterday and charged with trying to pass a bad check, a nypd spokesman said. the check was for around $250,000, as ordered by a washington, d.c., court to pay a public-relations firm $250,000 for work done on his behalf. last year, the wall street journal reported on billionaire ron burkle's lawsuit against follieri for allegedly squandering $1.3 million in business funds to support his extremely lavish lifestyle. follieri denied any wrongdoing.

in february 2007, hathaway told london's sunday times that follieri was a positive influence who helped bring her out of a lengthy depression. 'he's brought out so many positive attributes,' she said. 'before i met him, i wasted so much time. i was just annoying and narcissistic and smelled bad. he's protective without being possessive, passionate without needing to show his temper.'

yeah, well you're still annoying, narcissistic, and i can only imagine how bad you smell...glad to see he's done nothing for you annie...

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